Some newtonian knowledge!
Welcome back my aeronautics enthusiasts, Are you ready for new epic and fantastic info? Of course you are! In today’s blog we will becovering some physicals aspects of the aviation. To be more precise we will be talking about just one physics law but applicated in aeronautics. I hope this class won’t be very boring but we will try as always to make more enjoyable and easy to understand and learn. The physical law I chose is about a man that one day an apple fell off in his head and he realised that there was some kind of attractive force. After some research, this force then was named as gravity. Can you guess the name of the scientific? His name was Isaac Newton and in 1868 talked about his three laws that he discovered. The one we are going to talk about is the third law of newton but for understanding it first of all we need to explain the first two laws. The first law of newton says: In an inertial frame of reference, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a c