Maintenance practises are back!
Welcome back my aeronautics enthusiasts, In today’s blog we will talk again about some practises we’ve been doing at Globalia and a little bit about my life. After two weeks of doing classes, we finally had the opportunity to come back to the workshop. Until now, everything has been only classes and listening to the teachers but from now on, every weekend we have workshop activities until the course finishes. This weekend we have done many interesting things at the workshop. All of them have been related with the Cessna 441. This is due because it is the newest aircraft, and it is important to take care of him and restore it as soon as possible. The other two aircraft are very old, and corrosion are killing them slowly. That’s what we want to prevent to happen on the Cessna. One of the first practises that we did, was doing the weight and balance of the aircraft already explained on the last blog. For doing this we used some weighing machines and the help of all the students...