We're back!!

Good morning everyone,

It’s been a while since last blog but here we go again. Today, 27th of September I started the second course of aeromechanics and I’m quite excited to finish it and start working at the airport.

I must admit that last year I really liked the experience, and I would like to share with you one of the best moments I’ve had. I really liked going to class and learning new things but so far the workshop practises and the simulator were the most satisfying ones.

At the workshop I’ve learn how to use many tools and their correct way to use them. I’ve never used so many times a drill or even a solder machine, so far the best one. The possibility to use so many tools gave me the ability to defend myself against any trouble related with mechanical problems. It gave me the way to see the problems in other ways I’ve never seen before or to solve them in a more effective way.

We also had the possibility to start repairing the new aircraft that we have on the workshop. I really liked to see how the plane was recovering his life as it was damaged due to an aircraft accident. We managed to clean everything as it was very dirty and repair the nose and get back the engines into the plane. At the end of the course, we also managed to turn on some lights in the cockpit as we repair the batteries and charge them. Having a plane with the electrical system on will give us the possibility to do new practises more accurate to real life. The main problem that we have is that the other planes are in bad condition and corrosion are killing them slowly.

As I mentioned before, the simulator was also a fantastic experience. Being able to apply everything learnt in class and flash into the simulator was amazing. You cannot imagine how real the simulator feels and it is amazing to touch every single button. We did some practises of cold and dark run up, which means turn on all the batteries and engines and have the airplane ready for takeoff. We spend an all morning for every single group and I hope to come back soon to the simulator.

Notwithstanding, let’s talk a little bit about the summer. I’m afraid that in some way my summer has been related with aviation as I travelled three times this summer by plane. You must be already bored reading all day stuff related with planes and aviation!

When I finished the first year, at the beginning I stayed in Mallorca as I wanted to spend some time at home as I had lot of free time. Nevertheless, in July I went to Belgium for almost a month. My mum is currently living there since a few years ago and I couldn’t see her in all the year due to the classes and the covid restrictions. I love going to Belgium, it is a very beautiful place and in some way, even if I have gone there several times, it feels like going into a trip. We always visit the capital, Brussels, and other places like Antwerpen or Malines. In every trip to Belgium, eating a waffle is our minimum requirement. The are so yummy with a lot of chocolate!

Final but not least, I also went to Barcelona with my girlfriend for three days. We visited many places such as Plaza España and Catalunya, Montjuic or even the Park Güell. I really enjoyed the trip and I hope to still visiting other places around Spain. This trip to Barcelona was already planned since 2020 as I was going to be a flight attendant in Vueling and I already had the tickets bought. But unfortunately, the covid arrived and everything was cancelled, it was a big shame. At least they turned me back the money of the tickets!

I’ve told you that I flew three times but only told you about two of them! This is due because the last trip was also to Belgium, but only one week as I wanted to visit my mother one last time before starting classes. It’s sometimes hard to have family abroad but you need to get used to it.

After all this, I hope you enjoyed my blogs as always but most importantly that you learnt new fantastic and amazing things. There are some many blogs awaiting during this second course, so please stay connected for further news!

I hope you all had a fantastic summer and see you soon!!



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